Nightwatch Demo Download
Please contact us for complete installation instructions and a CD key required to demo the Nightwatch program. Support representatives are available from 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. Call toll free in US and Canada: 1-800-445-5279 or phone 732-974-8484.
Minimum System Requirements:
- Windows NT Server 4.0 (Service Pack 3 or higher)
- Windows NT Advanced Server
- Windows NT Workstation
- Windows 2000 Professional
- Windows 2000 Server (Service Pack 1 or higher)
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server
- Windows XP
- Windows 2003 Server
Program File for download: NIGHTWATCH demo (size = 11.5 MB)
Use the following guidelines to install NIGHTWATCH for Windows NT:
- When you click on the NIGHTWATCH program file listed above, you will be prompted to save the file to a directory of your choice. When you have selected the desired directory, click Save and the NIGHTWATCH program file downloads to the directory selected.
- Click on the Start button, and highlight click to select Run. Click Browse to navigate to the directory where the NIGHTWATCH program file, NNTxx.exe, was saved. Click on the program file and click Open. Warning: Be certain no other programs are running during the Nightwatch Installation. Note: Antivirus software may interfere with installation depending upon the antivirus product you use. Please check your antivirus documentation for additional details.
- The installation process prompts you for a temporary authorization code (CD key). Please write down the machine key license number and contact Hillary Software for the temporary authorization code. Once you enter the authorization code, the NIGHTWATCH program file instantly initializes the on-screen installation process.
- The program is fully enabled for testing at this time. We highly recommend a 20-30 minute review with our support personnel following installation. Our experience is that this procedural 'walkthrough' saves you valuable time and gets your system up and running quickly. Walkthrough demonstrations can be scheduled between 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and are typically given in English. If desired, we can also accommodate other languages.
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