Complete Document AUDIT TRAILS
onHAND™ can now maintain complete audit trails. All access and use information for the entire ‘lifecycle' of a document is recorded. This new audit trail module allows you to capture and track the WHO, WHEN, WHERE, and the HOW for all reports and files stored in onHAND™.
Regulatory Compliance
HOW documents are being used, WHO is using them, and WHEN they are being used can be continuously recorded.
Who, When, Where, and How Often are Documents Used?
Now your corporate onHAND™ document Administrator has the ability to:
Determine how frequently documents are accessed.
Determine if a document or report is actually used, never used, or hardly ever used.
Determine who has accessed a document and when.
Determine the last time a document was used.
Practical Uses
- Prove compliance to government regulators and auditors. Show that reports and documents containing PHI (Personal Health Information) or PFI (Personal Financial Information) are accessed only by authorized personnel.
- Automatically confirm that colleagues and clients receive the documents they are supposed to get... and nothing more! (Internal or Web Delivery)
- Determine if documents are being used. Eliminate the costs of producing and filing reports and documents that are never ‘touched' (Review our White Paper on the cost of Producing and Filing Paper and epaper.).
- PROTECT any document from unauthorized access and be able to PROVE it throughout the life of a document (both short and long term archive).
- Streamline expensive paper workflows. Eliminate the cost of ‘CLUTTER'. Documents can be made to ‘disappear' when they are not being used and made to ‘drift' into LONG TERM storage automatically.
- PROTECT important documents from accidental deletion that by law must be kept for seven or more years. Eliminate the cost and confusion of multiple ‘official' versions.