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You can now view the effect of the ROW SELECTIONS done with commands such as IF and SWITCH without forcing the user to download the information. By issuing the command SHOW SELECTED ( SHOW S) at SHEETMATE 's $PROMPT the user can now preview data before downloading it. Our intention was that SHOW SELECTED permits users more time to experiment with different IF and SWITCH conditions and speed the process of creating USE files that deliver exactly the desired data. In the WINDOWS MODE the user will also find under VIEW the corresponding WINDOWS command which is VIEW......ROWS SELECTED.


This command performs two functions for the user. MAP permits the selection of just the vertical slices (columns or spreadsheet cells) that the user desires. The user is permitted to omit columns with the MAP command as well as order the columns. This command eliminates the need for the user to invoke an HP3000 editor to delete and select columns. Valid syntax for the MAP command include: MAP 1,2,7,8,6; MAP ,9,11,13; MAP 1-12,20-30,35,37 A combination of leading commas, dashes and trailing commas make this command easy to use even in situations where large numbers of columns need be reordered and/or deleted. NOTE: With the MAP command you can now eliminate a column or columns even if you have used that column information to SELECT or NOT select particular rows.


This command enhancement permits the user to scroll through a document or fields in an IMAGE data set. Its execution is similar to the PRINT command found on the HP3000 MPE XL.


This command helps users find the information they would like and further assist in creating desirable row and column selections. This command enhances the current SHOW FROM LINE nn command.


This is the first format we have done which converses with the application on the users' PC while interacting with SHEETMATE on the host. Choosing the WINWORD format starts a DDE conversation with the users' Word version 6.0. A Word document is built based on the row and column selections in effect. SHEETMATE actually invokes Word for the user and builds the document in WORD without user action.


We completely removed the 20,000 sector ( 5 Mb) size restriction. Now users can move up to 60,000 sectors of information without any warning ( 15 Mb). At 60,000 sectors, SHEETMATE displays a warning alerting the user that the file they wish to move is very large.

YOUR FILE WILL require OVER 15 MEGABYTES of disc space, do you want to PROCEED?

The user can choose to PROCEED
  • by answering YES or terminate the move by answering NO. Otherwise, with the introduction of version 6.2 there is no limit placed on the size of files that users can move.

File transfers are more error free. SHEETMATE now verifies that the path the user specifies with an OUTPUT command actually exists. If the path does not exist the application issues a warning to the user and is presented another opportunity to issue an OUTPUT command with a path that exists! This was done for REFLECTION and BUSINESS SESSION users ( ADVANCELINK for WINDOWS).


Subfile support for POWERHOUSE version 7.29 has been added. Currently SHEETMATE supports SUBFILE 0, 3, 5,and 6


Users that use SHEETMATE with QUERY and QUIZ will now be able to issue more that one line of commands. An ampersand ( & ) forces SHEETMATE to continue reading QUIZ or QUERY commands that are longer than 80 characters.


We increased the possible width of a column to up to 256 characters from a maximum column size of 99 characters.


You can now force SHEETMATE to stop processing after finding the first nn pages specified with the MAXPAGES command. MAXP nn is the short form of this command. SHEETMATE now looks through an entire report to see if the page count increments back to zero or somehow duplicate page numbers exist in a report and need to be examined and included in a download.


You can now force SHEETMATE to stop processing after reviewing the specified number of records. MAXR nn is the short form of this command. MAXRECORDS will be helpful when exploring IMAGE databases with large amounts of information without having to review the entire dataset to see what information meets record selection criteria found with SHEETMATE IF and SWITCH logic in place.


This helps to parse files that have large amounts of header information before actual data appears or formatted data that appears much later in a file. Use this with SHOW FROM PAGE nn to locate and parse data starting at the page you designate.

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